Your needs and your interests come first!


My fundamental approach is to listen to your story – in the Initial session, and more briefly at the beginning of each session.

  • Why you are coming to me and what you are hoping to get from working with me?

  • What you are experiencing—any tension, pain, stiffness or difficulties with doing the activities in daily life that you need to do and/or love to do?

  • How much you long for an intensely pleasurable experience?

  • How important learning self-treatment techniques is to you?

  • Your history – injuries, pain conditions, medical conditions, surgeries, medical treatment, self-treatment?

  • Your restrictions with respect to time and money?

  • What you’re experience has been like since the last session? (For subsequent sessions)

After learning from you in this way, we will discuss the various options and how you might benefit from each one.

  • The specific approaches I could use

  • What might be involved in the various self-treatment and home exercise programs I might recommend

  • The commitment of time and money that might be needed to achieve your goals

Along with unique skills in the Trager Approach and TRE, I have a wealth of training and experience from which to draw in my work with you – so, I’m not wedded to these approaches alone.

I don’t promise or perform ‘miracles’, but working together – my doing my part and you doing your part – we can make a significant difference in your enjoyment of life, doing the things you need or love to do, perhaps with more of the delight reflected in this poem.

There is a way of being
Which is lighter
Which is freer

A way in which work
As well as play
Becomes a dance
And living a song
We can learn this way

— Milton Trager

We can work together in a variety of ways in individual or group sessions. 

Individual sessions – in the Edison Park neighborhood of Chicago in most cases, but in some circumstances, these may be in your home, or possibly, in your fitness center (when you want help with the use of their equipment and appropriate permission is obtained from the center’s management staff). There may also be some circumstances in which I would be willing to work with someone remotely through an online platform like Skype or Zoom that would allow visual as well as audio interaction. This may especially be the case for instruction and guidance with TRE, but it may also be the case for other approaches which don’t require hands-on work, and when comparable local services are not available.

  • the hands-on table work of the Trager Approach and/or other soft tissue mobilization and spinal mobilization techniques, usually to also involve some instruction in Trager Mentastics, movements from other approaches, or other forms of self-treatment or home exercises as briefly delineated below, and discussed in more detail on other pages in this section

  • instruction in the Trauma & Releasing Exercises (TRE) selected to elicit tremoring from your innate tremoring mechanism

  • instruction in movements and home exercises drawn and adapted from my experience with the Feldenkrais Method, Belly Dancing, and a variety of other traditional PT and non-traditional approaches

  • instruction in the use of myofascial releasing tools, such as various kinds of balls and rollers

  • for those who are mostly bed-ridden or in Hospice care -- very gentle, comforting hands-on work can be done in their bed or chair within their home. Instruction can also be provided to Caregivers who are seeking ways to use gentle, comforting touch in the care of their loved one

  • review of your current lifestyle with respect to sleep, environmental toxic exposure, nutrition, stress, and psycho-social factors that may be detrimental to your well being, along with education on lifestyle measures more likely to foster increased well being

  • taking an in depth history and troubleshooting to look for root causes for those with complex chronic health issues who have not responded to conventional medicine is a satisfactory way, along with an exploration of various options for treatment within the realm of functional medicine and identification of Functional Medicine Providers from whom one might obtain such treatment

Professional, client and self-referrals are always welcome.
Gift Certificates are also available. 

Group sessions for instruction in Trager Mentastics, TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises), or instruction or presentations focused on a variety of other topics related to health, wellness, movement, fitness and functional medicine

  • organized by individuals, with family or friends, or groups with which they are affiliated

  • organized and sponsored by myself in a rented space

  • scheduled as part of the programs in Libraries, fitness centers or various community centers

  • in corporate/industrial settings to reduce repetitive stress syndromes and improve overall well-being

    New opportunities for doing group work are always welcome, especially because
    it enables me to provide more affordable services. 

There may be occasions when I don’t believe I’m the best practitioner to meet your needs.  That may be after initially listening to your story, or it might be after we have worked together for a while, and you seemed to have benefited as much as you can from my work. It may be when you have Insurance and your financial resources are limited, and I believe you could benefit from services in a Physical Therapy setting where they do accept Insurance. It may also be when you need the services of a Clinician, coming from either a conventional or functional medicine perspective, depending upon your needs and your choice.

In each of these cases, your needs and your interests come first!  I will do my best to give you a good referral. And in some cases, you may be appropriate for my services after first receiving services from another practitioner. These are all included in the options I would discuss with you after listening to your story, initially, and at the beginning of each session.